

Student Reviews


Juku Tutoring gave me the confidence to fulfill not only my study goals, but my life goals. They gave me the strength and guidance to aspire to the best of my abilities in both Chemistry and Maths Methods, which were subjects I enjoyed but found difficult at times. I am currently studying Pharmacy at Monash University and I can honestly say the patience, support and invaluable knowledge acquired through the Juku Tutors made this a possibility.


All the Juku Tutors were friendly and very approachable. I could relate to them which is always great to see. They made learning easy and very entertaining. They really do provide the best tutors in Melbourne and I would like to thank my parents and Juku for providing me with such a great opportunity.


Great experience, friendly tutors, excellent teaching skills and communication skills. If it wasn’t for all my English classes I would never have imagined doing as well as I achieved! Thank you guys!


Juku Tutoring has really helped not only with my studies, but with my future too. After feeling the enthusiasm and passion for the subject (Health) from the tutor it really encouraged me to try hard and take the time to understand and develop my own thoughts on the subject and included topics. Thanks to Juku I have now made the decision to pursue a career in health (as a nutritionist) and inspire others to consider their health during everyday habits and activities. I achieved great results in year 12 for my subject study score (40’s) and I have Juku to thank! It was the passion and genuine drive to teach that made me want to learn- which can be very rare to come across. THANK YOU JUKU TEAM!


The team at Juku really did help me achieve my best in the subjects I went to get help with. Not only this, but their friendly and approachable nature made it an environment I actually looked forward to going to every week, they became more than just tutors to me and helped guide me through the confusion and tough decisions of year 12. Because they related to my experiences and were able to provide me with some guidance in regards to my next step in education, it made my study and transition to Uni much easier. 🙂


Thanks to Juku Tutoring I am now a current student at Monash University studying Commerce who achieved his VCE goal. Not only did these fantastic tutors allow me to reach my full potential during difficult times, they also gave me great confidence in myself to go beyond what I thought I was capable of. SACs became easier, exam preparation became less stressful, and most importantly learning became fun. I owe a great thanks to these guys for the ATAR I received because they played a key role in my VCE experience, I would go as far as saying these guys were better than any teacher I had.



Parent Reviews


1. Before signing up with Juku Tutoring were you happy with your child’s progress at School?

  • Yes, he just needed help to improve his grades

2. What was your initial impression of Juku Tutoring?

  • Very fast response
  • Very efficient service

3. Did you have any expectations from our Juku Tutors?

  •  Yes – turn up on time
  • Know their subject
  • Teach the subject well

4. Do you think there is anything else that we are missing that could have made the experience much better for you and your child?

  • No, I am very happy with the current service

5. Did we manage to fall below, meet or exceed your expectations, and how?

  • Exceeded expectations with response time and initiating contact with tutor
  • Exceeded expectations with standard of tutor knowledge and skill

6. Were you happy with your child’s progress and their results after receiving our services?

  • Tim felt that he understood the subjects much better, he said he “learnt more in 1 hour than he had all year at school” which is incredible!
  • Tim went from a grade C to a grade B

7. Would you recommend Juku Tutoring to your friends and family? Also if you had 10 seconds to recommend Juku Tutoring to them what would you say?

  • Yes
  • Fast, efficient service to match up with a suitable tutor
  • Tutors have high standard of knowledge and expertise and want to help

Mother of Tim

Maggie Stewart

1. Before signing up with Juku Tutoring were you happy with your child’s progress at School?

  • We were happy, but we felt our child needed a boost in mathematics

2. What was your initial impression of Juku Tutoring?

  • We didn’t know what to expect as we had never used the service before.
  • We were very impressed with their efficiency and quickness in finding a suitable tutor for Rita

3. Did you have any expectations from our Juku Tutors?

  • The only expectation we had was for our child to feel comfortable with the tutor and be able to learn and achieve.

4. Do you think there is anything else that we are missing that could have made the experience much better for you and your child?

  • Our child is very comfortable with her tutor.
  • Due to the close proximity of their ages the Juku Tutor is more like a big sister.
  • They clicked from the beginning and we are now seeing the results, which is fantastic.

5. Did we manage to fall below, meet or exceed your expectations, and how?

  • Exceeded expectations, as we were very impressed with Rita’s progress

6. Were you happy with your child’s progress and their results after receiving our services?

  • Very happy with our child’s progress

7. Would you recommend Juku Tutoring to your friends and family? Also if you had 10 seconds to recommend Juku Tutoring to them what would you say?

  • Yes I would. I have found this tutor articulate, punctual , and very respectful.
  • She takes care when explaining concepts and will go over anything that has not been understood the first time, which is great!

Mother of Rita

Christina Kypreos


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